February 21, 2013
The problem with the impulse to
"word play", in pun or poetry.
Is that it emphasizes the sound pun and poetry?
of words rather than their pun even poetry?
meaning. It's an art of
surfaces, and since we regard
these surfaces as arbitrary and
meaningless, it's then a The hole in that theory
witless art (how poetry and is etymological relationships
song evades this condemnation between words revealed by
is another question). similar sounds...
There are other verbal strategies And perhaps, the tendency
that may have more promise to for the meaning of words
them. to drift to match the
associations of the way
that they sound.
Inversion of a familiar
phrase can work, because
for example, causality is
often not so easy to
determine. Reversing
an association can
point to an unusual
The Power of Fiction
The Fiction of Power
Juggling the connectors between
phrases works similarly:
Power in Fiction
Power over Fiction
Power under Fiction
Power by Fiction