So, I was catching up on my bad Heinlein, diligently
working my way through the stack...
Last on my list was _The Number of the Beast_,
and for good reason. I knew that this entire
book was centered on the kind of thing I hate
most in the later Heinlein books: "the world
as myth" idea, an arbitrary universe where
anything can happen without rhyme or reason.
But since my
weren't very high,
I could enjoy Like, why did Heinlein
some of it, despite choose to swap viewpoints
various problems. between the four main
characters when they all (There's maybe *one*
sound alike anyway? place where this
works, where we get a
And does Heinlein clear demonstration of
really believe that Jake's capacity for
there's no way a self-delusion.)
group of four people
can deal with each
other without strict
military discipline?
But anyway, even in the worst of Heinlein,
you can still find some interesting weird
ideas, like this one (Heinlein is
describing a different version of the
United States, on an alternate earth):
"Taxation is low, simple-- and contains a surprise.
The Federal government is supported by a head tax paid
by the States , and is mostly for military and foreign
affairs. This state derives most of it's revenue from
real estate taxes. It is a uniform rate set annually,
with no property exempted, not even churches, hospitals,
or schools-- or roads; the best roads are toll roads.
The surprise lies in this: _The_owner_appraises_his_own_
"There is a sting in the tail: _Anyone_ can buy
property _against_the_owner's_wishes_ at the appraisal
the owner placed on it. The owner can hang on only by
raising his appraisal _at_once_ to a figure so high that
no buyer wants it-- and pay _three_years_back_taxes_ at
his _new_ appraisal."
(November 23, 2005)
The thing that's
interesting here is the
understanding of the use Another thing that's
of market/auction interesting is the
processes to get people recognition that the
to reveal information; nature of "markets"
and to reverse the are very much
incentive for deception creations of the laws The common dichotomy
that would immediately that are in play. between "market" and
doom almost any other "government" is a
form of "self-appraisal". This, in a book false one.
written around the
time Heinlein was NATURALLY_FORCED
happy to decribe
himself as a