(I wonder what date this was
written... it might be
pre-web... mid-90s at the latest.)
The death of radio has been predicted many times.
Television was supposed to destroy it completely,
but instead it only killed the radio drama, and
weakened radio news.
Cable TV is looking like a better contender to kill radio
(MTV and it's children are sometimes termed "national radio
stations"). But there will still be niche markets that
require something "cooler" (e.g. people driving cars). COOL
Cable radio exists, largely
unpublicized and unlistened There has to be a way to
to, but it has some great beat the technical problem
potential to make a dent of giving a mobile listener
into traditional broadcast access to these kinds of
radio. signals.
Someday, a beefed up Cellular cable-radio?
Internet will allow
phenomena like the
Underground Music Archives All car-drivers could
and Internet Talk Radio to have different kinds of
become serious competition preprogrammed autoselection
to traditional radio. running, looking for things
they expect that they'll
It would seem that the want to hear.
future would be in Audio
Magazines. A music radio
show then would be more like
an anthology, a collection,
and the DJ more like an
But beyond all this, I would
expect a day when driving
itself is largely automated,
and nothing will prevent
people from constantly
indulging in the easy and
over-heated TV-like media...