June 14, 2011
"All Things Shining" is such a
bad book that the temptation is
to swing back too far in the
opposite direction.
One of the reasons I wanted to read
this book was to look for something
salvageable that a too-doctrinaire
critic might have missed.
Like Dreyfus and Kelly,
I hold out little hope
for a unified field ETHICAL_MORAL
theory of ethics...
we don't have a morality
engine where you just
turn the crank and find
out what you should do.
Though if you're game to try
Most of us expect that your hand at developing a
the moral/ethical realm morality engine, by all means
will always have a legal go for it...
quality to it: full of
poorly definied edge But it's a nasty problem with a
cases with a need for dubious history: the people who
many judgement calls. claim they have a solution
always seem to be lying to
This is awfully weak tea to themselves.
subsist on for a philosopher
with a hunger for grand
systems, and Dreyfus and
Kelly themselves appear to
have over-reacted: since
there is no perfect system we LAOTZU
will have no system at all.
They insist that they are looking for
an antidote to nihilism/relativism.
They don't use the word "absolute",
but it would seem that they must
believe that somewhere down there in
the collection of all our "whoosh"
moments there must be a common factor;
we all must have the same sense of The Or at least the same
Good, if only we could learn the skill range of possible goods
of listening for it. (polytheism, right?)
Perhaps this attitude is
the result of starting
with Homer?
The gods, the divine --> the Universal.
But what if the god is within?
But periodically I do run into TECHIES_FALLACY
people who seem to need
reminders about the problems Many-- though not all-- are techies,
with systemtizing all knowledge, who are uncomfortable with the
so let me list some points where fuzziness of humanities, and nurse a
I think I'm in agreement with suspicion that it's a result of
Dreyfus and Kelly. intellectual laziness.
We don't have an infallible (People like this are one
method of identifying Hitlers. of the reasons that the
wikipedia style guide has
Sometimes, grand movements become such an unwieldly
look good at the outset, mess... they keep trying
and then turn unbelievably to specify things that
sour. probably can't be.)
And yet, we can't always
hang back from the mass
of humanity and remain TRAGEDY
There are times when you need
to "trust your instincts",
and move fast and do it right SHINING_SPIKE
without apparent thought.
Rigorous plodding is
not the sole path of It is however,
intellectual progress. often productive
and successful. IN_DEFENSE_OF_NERDS
There's also a need
for intuition.
There is something profoundly
strange (to us) about the
attitude toward life on
display in Homer.
Individual responsibility,
however necessary the idea
is to us, is seriously SELF