December 16, 2022
                                             March    18, 2023

About "System Error" (2021):
Through out the book "System Error" the
authors dance around what would seem to
be one of the central subjects: the
failure of modern capitalism to motivate
companies to act in anything much like
the public good.

There's very little direct criticism to
markets/capitalism, etc.  This is a
liberal text, not a left-wing one--         (But tribalism is
liberals, I think dislike sounding like     something only that
ranting lefties for social reasons.         other tribe is guilty
                                            of, never mine.)

                                                  But on the other hand
                                                  they do critique what
                                                  they call an "optimization
                                                  mindset", and that
                                                  evidently includes
                                                  profit maximization.


So this angle is soft peddled a bit, but it's
not skipped entirely.  Here's what we've got:

    "Consider that Facebook's stock price did not
    suffer any long-term damage from the Cambridge
    Analytica scandal in 2016.  To the contrary,
    it has since soared.  If the market rewards
    only revenue, where's the incentive to protect      The word "incentive"
    democracy or other values we cherish?"              rarely appears in this
                                                        book.  This is one of
             -- Ch 1, p. 37                             the few examples.

On the same page,
they quote Miton Friedman,
_Capitalism and Friedman_:

    "There is only one and only one social
    responsibility of business-- to use
    its resources and engage in activities
    designed to increase its profits so
    long as it stays within the rules of
    the game, which is to say, engages in     I find the phrase "without
    open and free competition without         deception or fraud" very
    deception or fraud."                      interesting.  Deceptive
                                              behavior is more the norm
                                              than not in modern capitalism,
The authors of "System                        and I often wonder if it's
Error" comment:                               still possible to get
                                              convicted for fraud.
    "To Friedman,, it shouldn't matter
    to a company whether it's customers           The standard defense
    spend all their time scrolling                seems to be "You
    through misniformation on a social            can't prove intent,
    network or watching endless online            because we don't know
    videos.  As long as the company is            what we were doing."
    legally promoting that behavior to
    maximize return to its investors,                  If we can't convict
    it is doing the right thing."                      these guys as is,
                                                       could we change the
        But what if you're running a                   laws to enable it?
        site that acts as a conduit
        for deception and fraud?  What
        if your business relies on the
        chumps not realizing that        Further: no one is *required* to
        they're chumps?                  smarten up a chump, are they?
                                         So you're allowed to confuse by
                                         silence...  or more likely, by
                                         hiding the gotcha in a barrage
                                         of noise, e.g. a typical TOS
                                         agreement (much like the "fine
                                         print" of legend).

   They quote the C. Wright Mills critique:
   "For of all possible values of human
   society, one and only one is truly
   soverign, truly universal, truly sound,
   truly and completely acceptabel goal of     Just quoting C. Wright
   man in America.  That goal is money."       Mills seems impressively
                                               extreme for "System Error".

This is an area where I'm inclined to be critical
of "System Error"-- I went looking for a critique
of capitalism, and had trouble finding it...
but it *is* here, if in an attenuated form.

                                      But then:

