December 16, 2022
About "System Error" (2021)
The authors insist we're facing a
tradeoff between free speech and
democracy, and they want to turn The argument that free speech is
the dial toward democracy, away now irrelevant Because Internet
from that other thing. has always seemed weak to me, and
the arguments here aren't any
How this is supposed to work in a stronger than usual.
country with a First Amendment
isn't so clear, and certainly not Yes, we've got hired shills
with a Supreme Court packed with spewing propaganda, foreign
conservative flacks intent on powers interfering in our
weaponizing the law for their own politics, filter bubbles that
purposes. seem impenetrable to reality...
Unless I'm reading them wrong, These are all differences in
these are some other members of degree rather than in kind.
that faction aiming toward a There really are reasons that
government run Ministry of Truth "free speech" has been a key
in all but name, because it's principle of enlightened
necessary to find some way of society for centuries.
carving out a free speech
exception for Big Tech Social If you've soured on free speech
Media, preferably in a way that solely because it's been a rallying
doesn't set off any alarm bells. cry on the right in recent decades,
isn't that another example of
I've got a theory that former tribalism? Maybe you're living in
Obama administration people a filter bubble of your own...
(like Jeremey M. Weinstein) are
prone toward this kind of The classic position
thinking. Absolute power that a free exchange
doesn't corrupt quite so much of views is necessary
if you put reasonable moderates for a democracy t
like us in charge of it. function isn't so
much rejected as not
examined at all...