January 1, 2013
In the manga series, Bakuman, there's
a secondary character-- one of the
strongest in the story-- who is a BAKUMAN
genius-level manga creator, a complete
natural, an overnight success in his
young teens.
All along, he's threated to demand that
his editors cancel any series he doesn't
like, provided he first succeeds in There are some notable examples
making his own series number 1 in the out there of series fiction that
magazine. Evenutally he reveals that reaches an actual conclusion, for
it's his own series he wants canceled: example, "The Prisoner" series.
he's going to end on a high point of
it's success, not wait for it to fizzle "The Prisoner" remains
away while he gets bored with it. one of the greatest
television shows ever
made-- perhaps it still is
the greatest, though the
Clearly I have some supporters field has expanded to the
out there... a ring of point where I doubt any
fellow-travelers, perhaps. one could say.
THE_ENDING_MANIFESTO It's an advantage of
forms like the
RETCON there are limits to
how much Masterpiece
SERIAL_LIVING Theater is likely to
mess with Balzac.