December 30, 2012
In which I supply a heart-felt
plea to creators and production Though I guess, this being a
companies to allow their series manifesto this should be a
fiction to conclude, to do an "demand" not a "plea".
actual wrap-up with a sense of I never get these right.
closure, of finality.
The problem: when a series is
successful, the obvious move All the balls must stay in
is to keep it going. the air; hero must not
settle down with heroine;
When a series is no longer evil-doers must remain
successful, the obvious move active; the quest un-ended,
is to just stop. Why bother the kingdom un-won;
even thinking about a proper understanding and wisdom
conclusion when no one is must still elude; and so on.
going to see it?
And so, there remain many ungainly
incomplete artworks in the world,
many a story-line that drags on too
long and gradually fizzles out
and fades away.
This syndrome is a trap:
I would argue that it makes it
difficult for the producers to The value of the
sustain interest in the property. "back catalog" is
often where the real
They've surrendered one of wealth is-- an
the more powerful features of incomplete fizzle
fiction in hopes of is less likely to
continuing to milk the be valued over the
property, but this may very long haul.
well cause people to lose
interest, and it certainly
undercuts the kind of
word-of-mouth (or
tube-of-internet) you're
hoping for to generate
interest in the first place.
This dilemma has an
obvious solution:
Just end it,
but do it out IMAGINARY_FINISH
of sequence.
You could close a season of anime
with an actual Final Episode, but
make it clear that it's set some
time in the future.
Then if you succeed in getting
funding for another season, those
stories are set before the actual "prequel" is an
finish, presented as prequels. interesting bit of
jargon: I think it's
Clearly the audience made a transition to
is sophisticated just another word.
enough to deal with
non-linear chronology.
Consider something like "Sket
Dance", where the strongest stories
are "flashbacks" explaining how the
characters got to their present ORIGIN
state-- and it should come as no
surprise that these "origin stories"
are the strongest: they involve
actual transformations of character
and changes in relationships.
They have an opportunity to "go
somewhere" and it hardly matters
that we know where they're going.
I get the sense that there's a fear that
An audience that if the audience understands precisely
can grasp flashback where the overall arc of the story is
origin stories can going that this will make the story seem
clearly deal with flat by eliminating surprise...
conclusion stories. That's a very shallow understanding
of the way fiction actually works.
Even in the case of a "mystery",
if you know the solution of a
mystery before the end of the
story, while that does change the
way you experience the efforts of However, for
the characters trying to solve it a contrary view:
it doesn't necessarily eliminate
your sympathy. CHEAP_SUSPENDERS
And there are many stories where
you need some foreknowledge to get
it to work.