March 9, 2004
Rearranged: June 19, 2006
New diagram: Jan 14, 2010
Of late, I've spent a lot of time
thinking about beat history, but
there's an obvious angle that
I still have no good handle on...
What about the rockers,
the "juvenile delinquents"? Podhoretz tried to blame
the juvenile delinquents
on the beats, but I have
my doubts that really holds up.
Bop beget the beats,
rock beget the juvies... Maybe:
But both phenomena (scenes?) bop ----------------> beat
were building roughly in | |
parallel with each other, V |
to the point where it's "rock n' V
difficult to say if they roll" -----> rock folk
should be thought of as | | |
different, or aspects of V V |
the same thing... juvies o<-------/
| |
Still, "The Black \ V
Rebels Motorcycle \-------> hippies
Club" would not seem
to have much to do
with Jack Kerouac and WILDONE
Though there is
that reference in
"Howl" to "saintly HOWLERS