When Levin thought about what          Formerly (it had been so almost from
he was and why he lived, he            childhood and increasingly so till  
could find no answer and was           his complete maturity) when he tried
driven to despair; but when he         to do anything for the good of      
left off asking himself those          everybody, for humanity, for Russia,
questions, he seemed to know           for the whole village, he had       
what he was and why he lived,          noticed that the thoughts of it were
for he acted and lived                 agreeable, but the activity itself  
unfalteringly and definitely           was always unsatisfactory; there was
-- recently even more                  no full assurance that the work was  
unfalteringly than before.             really necessary, and the activity  
                                       itself, which at first seemed so    
       -- part VIII, Ch X, p714        great, ever lessened and lessened    
                                       till it vanished.                    
                                                 -- part VIII, Ch X, p715