June 12, 2007
I played a goodman game
yesterday, and drew two
entries that are fascinating GOODMAN_GAME
placed in opposition:
The first entry on page 51,
And the second on page 60... (the third on page 143
isn't of interest this time.)
Paul Goodman's "Five Years":
"There are two states that balk me "'Natives' 'Denizens' 'Aborigines.'
as a therapist:
"Aborigines are savage and have
"(1) Jealousy. I empathize wild matted hair, whereas Natives
completely. I can predict tend to be Barbaric with elaborate
the next sentence and the hair-do's that belong to the
course of resentment, anger, adolescent culture of decorating
fear, and grief. I even know one's own body.
how to alleviate suffering by
holding oneself more erect "But Denizens live in remote bogs
and lessening depression (the and secret forests; they infest
mind goes blank). But I have areas where something higher has
no perspective. I do not established itself, either like
know how to drain energy from rats who were always wild, or
the insanity. It is with the they are Degenerates who have
patient as with myself, we retreated from a higher
are forced to rely on time civilization, e.g. the Irish.
and chance and flattering One can be also, in a picture in
rationalizations and the _Herald-Tribune_, a Denizen
resolutions. of the Bowery.
"(2) blocked blank inability "On the positive side, Aborigines
to speak or have a next have mysterious Cthonic Powers; and
thought of feeling. Here my Natives have Rights to be Respected,
bother is just the contrary. they must no longer be exterminated
I often have to deal with but kept in museums or reservations
this state and recognize it, so that no aspect of Culture is
but I have no empathy with Vandalized.
it, I do not believe it. It
leaves me out, and I don't "But nothing is done for Denizens,
know how to woo him forth. who are part of the flora and fauna.
Denizens are just tolerated."
"I myself can always think of
something-- except when I am --p. 60
balked. I can write something
even when I am balked."
--p. 51
(Paragraph breaks added)
"Having nothing in
common" and being
"too close to the Different attitudes
problem", *both* toward difference...
create barriers...
An other percieved as other
can be respected as such,
Too much
Extremes that Condescention =>
Too little create exteme parent-to-child assistance.
CONTROL An other respected as another
receives the neglect that
every adult accords every other
There is an
empathy that They should be able to
paralyzes. take care of themselves.