December 2, 2003
If the ethical is
esthetic at root DESPERATE
How do you deal PRETTY_TRUE
with that?
What implications
does it have?
Is there any difference
between esthetics/aesthetics?
Is there a It's just a new and old form, right?
compulsion to
do what is The Toadkeeper joked
esthetic? about this, making me
wonder if I've missed
An ethical a distinction. Maybe the joke
compulsion? is that the
difference is
ROUND_AND_ROUND only esthetic.
The meta-eval problem.
Or aesthetic.
Evaluating systems of METHODICAL_PARADOX
How do you decide if an
ethic and/or an Pretty clearly: to talk
aesthetic is "good"? this way presupposes
some existing standard.
What function do This may be okay:
they serve? it is not possible,
(nor does it seem
The function of a desireable) to
manifesto is to fabricate a set of
provide guidance abstract values
in the face of without reference
chaos. to humanity.
It's a stabilizer... The way we
speak of it
Intent is to encourage often suggests
you to maintain a given a logical
direction in the face of edifice, a
(hopefully) superficial body of law
obstacles. rooted in The will of god;
something else. Human nature;
The opposite of The mathematics
"adapatibility" A "category of strategy
Which is a clear FALSE_CENTER
sign that you can Another way out:
overdo these things. we tend to assume
that all logical
Somewhere in there, structures must
there's a need for be hierarchical.
"balance", much as I
hate such wishy-washy There are other
conclusions. possibilities...
Adaptive stability? RECURSIVE_DEFINITION
Rescue failure
with paradox.
Re-state the
as a hidden wisdom.
There's a
trap here:
If beauty is the only
real criterion then at
least some will try
for a beautiful evil.
Undermining conventional
morality can become a
justification for the
The invisible hand
In the beginning an excuse for turning
was the act. a blind eye.
Do as thou wilt. The True Knowledge
Nietzsche beget Nazis, "Cassini Division".
though he would have
disowned such children.
And in my own terms,
these outcomes from
attempts at defining
a new morality
are unaesthetic...
There are ugly beautys.