April 22, 2010
May 21, 2010
David B. Allison, "On Reading the New Nietzsche" (2001),
apparently an update of his "The New Nietzsche" (1977).
This looks like
a pretty good And my Philosophy
book... spies tell me it This comes as a minor
was well recieved. suprise to me, because
But he presents what when I took a class
is to my eye a from Allison as an
sanitized Nietzsche. undergrad at Stony
Brook -- circa 1977,
He quotes the line: (prefix, p ix) actually -- I got the
impression that he was
"I would like to _take away_ a serious poseur.
from human existence some of
its heartbreaking and cruel He was giving fast-talking,
character" incoherent lectures that
didn't seem to mean much
when you drilled down into
And yet, there are other places them.
where I remember Nietzsche speaking
approvingly about wanting to make I remember him nervously
mankind "more evil": "More evil, smoking his dark brown
deeper, but also, more beautiful." European cigarettes
(or words to that effect). at a rapid pace.
There's a heavy metal quality I was once running
to a lot of Nietzsche's for a train, and
jamming: he likes the sound he made a face at
of the Strum und Dang, and me, yelling at me
doesn't care to moderate it to slow down.
for any boring old reasons WORDS_WITH_WHIPS
like morality. Now that's
Philosophy for
Granted that he was you, eh? Got
effectively smeared to take time to
after his death with smell the flowers.
false claims of support
for Nazism (actually he (Actually, in
was explicitly critical those days I
of anti-semitism) still, *liked* running
it would seem that there for the train.
are reasons his writings There aren't
appealed to people like many physical
Nazis, there are reasons contests built
they wanted to claim him into a typical
as one of their own. American's
world. But
UGLYBEAUTY obviously I was
just not
*engaged with