November 16, 2007
The Green Cities vision
of Murray Bookchin:
I'm starting
"One of our chief goals must be to to make a
radically decentralize our industrialized collection
urban areas into humanly-scaled cities and of these
towns artfully tailored to the carrying utopian visions.
capacities of the eco-communities in which
they are located. We need to transform the No idea what
current pattern of densely populated urban I'm going to
sprawl into federations of much smaller do with them
cities and towns surrounded by small farms yet.
that practice diversified, organic
agriculture for the local area and are (Perhaps I
linked to each other by tree belts, should
pastures and meadows. In rolling, hilly, package them
or mountaninous country, land with sharp up as
gradients should be left covered by timber trading
to prevent erosion, conserve water, and cards.)
support wildlife. Furthermore, each city
and town should contain many vegetable and
flower gardens, attractive arbors, park
land, and streams and poinds which support
fish and aquatic birds. In this way, the
countryside would not only constitute the
immediate environs of the city but would
also directly infuse the city. Relatively
close by, sizable wilderness areas would
safely co-exist with human habitats and
would be carefully 'managed' to enhance
and preserve their evolutionary integrity,
diverstiy, and stability." p. 79, 80