Aug 30, 2012
George Scialabba:
"Aaron asks, very eloquently: 'What is
to be done?' People ask Chomsky this
constantly, and his answer is always the
same: 'Give me a break. I talk to people
in the Third World all the time, and
they never ask, 'what should we do?'
Instead they say, 'this is what we're
doing-- what do you think?' You should
do what they do: talk to one another,
form groups, study your problems, find
other groups that share your concerns,
discuss strategy and tactics, pool
resources, try one thing, then another,
then another. Organizing a political
movement is not rocket science, or even
auto repair. It just takes initiative,
dedication, and perseverance. You knew
This is perhaps a reasonable response,
but I think not completely adequate.
The frequently asked question is often
asked for a reason, it's not to be
dismissed simply because it's common.
The standard advice is that a speaker
should lead up to a call to action, and
if it's consistently absent in
Chomsky's remarks, the audience may
very well take that as a sign that
it's all hopeless.