July 15, 2007

    "Vast segments of our nation are waking up -- perhaps even
    growing up. I talk about how elections are conducted here
    to people from around the world, and they laugh. The
    widespread perception is, in the terms of one Russian,
    'Americans are like children; they believe anything the
    government tells them.' "

       Steve Freeman, March 29, 2007

  On the *positive* side...

  The US media is now so
  far disconnected from the             MOST_TRUSTED_NAME
  opinons of real people
  that it's difficult to
  see how much longer they
  can keep this up without
  being recognized as
  official mouthpieces that
  deserve no trust.

  We're moving toward a
  Sovietized system, where
  it will just be assumed           Consider the situation in
  that everything you hear          Venezeula, where it was
  in the news is state              possible for Hugo Chavez to
  propaganda.                       be elected in spite of total
                                    opposition from nearly *all*
                                    of the broadcast media...

     It's unfortunate
     that in the absence
     of a trustworthy
     news source, people           But better a delusion
     are likely to seize           of your own, honestly
     on all sorts of               arrived at, than one
     strange delusions...          planted on you with      A_CHOICE_OF_DENIAL
                                   malicious intent.

