June 11, 2007
By chance, I've watched
some CNN twice in the DROPOUT
last few months.
During round one, there
was endless celebrity
drama about that funeral Sorry I don't
for the rich bimbo. remember her
name already. I made the mistake
But at least this of commenting to
was intermixed with a freind that I
some information thought it was
about the crazy they were
Scooter Libby trial. spending so much time
on that silly story.
The people I was visiting
had more interest in the I was treated to
second story than the first. a blow-by-blow
(When the conviction finally summary of the
came through, they got the woman's life,
word over the phone, not each line made
via tube.) into a question
with the prefix:
It seemed a shame to me "Did you know--".
that they didn't have SWORD_OR_SHIELD
access to any better It appears that
media than this, living it's a terrible
out in the boonies... tragedy to
never find true
I asked (sarcastically) if CNN love in spite
had covered the Seymour Hersh of your piles
accusation that the Bush of cash.
administration had been
funding some AL Qaeda groups (Never finding
lately, in their zeal to find true love if
Sunni's to back against the you're flat
Shites in Iraq. busted is
Round Two:
Over a month later, I decided
to setup my laptop at an
odd lunch counter joint
("Chinito" on Mission near Chavez).
They had CNN on. I sat with my
back to it, but occasionally got
interested in it in spite of my
At one point: The blond bitch of an
announcer in fawcett curls was
shaking her head in disbelief that
the courts didn't buy into the idea
that the president can jail swarthy (Maybe she wants
fellows named Ali (with black Coulter's job?)
mustaches!) without any evidence.
Another "anchor" (apt name, that)
asks a probing question: how many
people are refusing to return
after Katrina, because they "don't
trust the mayor or the governor".
Actually, as I (Because after all, we know
understand it, it was all the *local*
they're not goverment's fault, nothing to
returning because do with FEMA or the Prez.)
the local
government doesn't
want them back:
it's a golden
opportunity for
A no confidence vote on the
Attorney General is
repeatedly labeled "the
*drama* going on in Would it be too much trouble to
Washington". review why someone would
want Gonzales out of there?
They introduced it with Orrin
Hatch calling it "political How about asking some one in
theater". Congress besides Orrin Hatch
what it's about?
However, on the plus side,
they were willing to be
"critical" of Bush:
"Is Bush a Lame Duck?"
It's a *terrible* thing that
he can't get his way on that
immigration bill...
They also did a bit making
fun of Bush's European tour,
finishing up with a It left me wondering
"Carefully choreographed about his itinerary:
event": did he just skip the
countries where he's
"Where is the likely to be arrested
love? Albania!" for war crimes?
I was impressed that they covered
the "Risky Strategy" story: the US
is arming Sunni factions in Iraq.
Probing question asked of General
Somebody: "Doesn't it bother you at
all that in funding these Sunni
groups in order to combat Al Qaeda, Wait a minute...
you're giving money to people that to combat "Al Qaeda"?
have recently been killing US But, "Al Qaeda" is
troops?" a Sunni group!
How, in *this* day
General Somebody: and age, can anyone
suggest we went into
"well you know we Iraq after Al Qaeda?
can't kill Yes: "we Al Qaeda wasn't operating
everybody, we have can't kill in Iraq until after we
to make some deals everbody". *got* there... the US
for convenience actions are apparently
and they may be It sounds directly resulting in a
short-lived." like a line *spread* of Al Qaeda!
in a Ted
Rall cartoon.
Back to the good old
"realpolitik"... after
all, it's always worked
so *well* in the past...
"You're watching CNN, the
most trusted name in news."
And that's what I'm afraid of.