April 29, 2012
Time for one of my little trips down
Unmemory Lane that I suspect is more
interesting to me than anyone else...
I'm gradually making a collection of
cases of memory-slips; examples of
things I could've sworn were so that
clearly are not.
Where did I first hear of George Scialabba?
At the last Anarchist Bookfair, I picked up a
copy of his book "What Are Intellectuals Good
For?", because I'd already heard something
about it. In fact, I thought it was a little
mainstream for the Anarchist Bookfair
scene... I was pretty sure I'd read a review
of it in "The New York Review of Books".
But the NYRB on-line database does not agree with my
memory, and I couldn't tell where I learned of it.
Scoping around a little,
I see a few possibilities:
This is one of the few occasions
His name came up when I was doing web when my habit of saving copies of
searches on people like Russell Jacoby, things I read on-line has been of
and I ended up reading things like a some small use.
Scott McClemee piece about Scialabba:
http://www.mclemee.com/id206.html http://www.insidehighered.com/views/mclemee/mclemee165
As well as some related
articles up on "Crooked
"Crooked Timber" has frequently
had multiple Scialabba links in
every side-bar.
Alternately: it could be in one of periods of
pondering the lamentable if not lamented
Christopher Hitchens, that I found Scialabba's
"reassessment" published by "n+1":