October 7, 2016

This woman (Alachia Queen) agrees with my take--
that there's nothing particularly offensive about
having Major Motoko played by a non-Asian:              WHITEGHOST


But she goes further-- unlike a lot of people commenting
on this, she's familiar with the original animated film,
and she's thought a lot about it--

She makes some really good points about how it's
unlikely that Scarlett Johansson is going to do a
good job with this role. I agree: the role is is       Alachia later retracted
more complicated than it looks at first.  The Major    this criticism: "she did 
is not just impassive or reflective, she's             okay with what they gave 
strangely alien: you wonder if anything's inside       her".
that "shell", and if so what?  The one published            
still of Johansson as Motoko just has her just               GHOST_IDENTITY
looking a bit bored.

                                        This entire genre-- videos babbling
                                        about movies-- seems odd to me...


                                        But Queen Alachia does a better
                                        job of this stuff than most.  She
                                        talks fast, and doesn't repeat
                                        herself much, and her passion for
                                        the subject always comes through.

                                        In general she seems pretty bright,
                                        (and I appreciate that she doesn't
                                        feel compelled to say something dumb
                                        because everyone else is saying it).

                                        She is however, very young, and
                                        doesn't seem to know very much
                                        beyond relatively recent major
                                        media stuff-- it was funny
             Funny, I used to           listening to her do an extended
             complain about             review of the Doctor Strange
             comic book writers         trailer: not only hasn't she read
             who had never read         any of the comics, she barely
             any books... now           acknowledges the existence of that
             we've got "media           half-century of work.
             fans" who don't
             even know comics...        Her attitude is more like "you know,
                                        I should really look at that animated
                                        Doctor Strange again sometime".


                                        In passing, she mentions her opinion
                                        that you appreciate these movies
                                        more if you don't know the source
                                        material they're adapting, which is
                                        a point, but I think it swings both
                                        ways... why not ignore the movies,
                                        and go find the source?
