December 16, 2017
Okay, so recently I actually wrote some
fragments of Skip Beat fanfic which I
posted to the reddit skipbeat group.           [link]

Embarrassingly enough for someone who tends
to go on quite a bit about fiction and the
way it works, it's been some time since           Consider these:
I've tried to write some.
I keep thinking about the effort I
called "Lying in wait at the Darumaya
Alley" it has a few aspects that           These fragments of fiction will not
contradict my usual doctrine which         make much sense to a random
insists you should avoid the impossible    reader...  you'd need to be someone
device of the omniscient narrator, and     who's been following the entire 40
keep the story viewpoint and the           volume run of the "Skip Beat" manga
reader's viewpoint tightly aligned         just to make sense of them.
The situation is simple enough: one
young woman is going to physically
attack another with the goal of
preventing her from being able to               Two of these sets of witnesses
to take an upcoming acting role.                I would say make perfect sense
The intended victim fights off the              within the context of the
attack without much trouble, and                story: it's quite likely they
then three different groups of people           would be on hand (and likely
converge on the scene, having witnessed         that the attacker wouldn't
at least some of the fight.                     expect them to be).

There's an obvious, standard way                However as written, one is a
of writing this, in the                         forced coincidence-- I think I
all-too-common style of                         would just back up and explain
"suspense" fiction.                             this later, if this were longer
                                                than a fragment.  But maybe this
You first focus on the villain to               is a touch of hypocrisy on my
establish the threat, then switch               part as well:
to tracking the victim: the reader
then watches as the unwitting                             CHANCES_ARE
victim moves back-and-forth, closer
or farther away from the unsuspected
I personally regard this as complete trash:    
rather than try to get the reader to identify    
with the hero, the reader has acquired an     
impossible "omniscient" point-of-view that           CHEAP_SUSPENDERS
no one in the story shares.                   

   So: I choose the viewpoint
   of the attacker, and tried
   to stay with it.
   If it were just a story about a fight, we    
   could hypothetically use the victim as     
   point-of-view, but actually this is a kind    
   of "biter bit" story. It's not just    
   that the physical attack is defeated--        Though, the way I wrote it the
   that's just the necessary framework--         heroine doesn't need any
   really the attacker's nose is going to be     of these men to defend her: she
   ground in her own sense of inferiority:       can take care of herself.
   the heroine has multiple different            These men would have
   high-status males trying to defend her and    liked to defend her
   fighting over her-- this envy-inspiring       though.  There's a
   situation is the actual shoujo payoff here.   having-it-both-ways quality
                                                 to all this: in male adventure
   So: we lead off with the villain being        fiction the protagonists are
   baffled at the heroine's character (she       expected to solve their own
   continues working part-time at a              problems; in "women's fiction"
   lower-status job she doesn't need); then      your worth is not measured by
   after the defeat, the villain is surprised    what you can do but by who
   at the identity of the two men who are        cares about you.  My solution
   clearly interested in her-- and she then      appeals to both audiences.
   runs off stage.                               He said smugly.

      But then, after the
      "pov" leaves the stage
      there are a few lines of       The tag line is the remark "What a
      dialog that she couldn't       terrible knife".  It makes sense that
      possibly hear.  This           this character would be a steel snob:
      includes a tag line--          she's got a background as a Japanese
      a joke where the heroine       chef and she's recently trained in
      makes an irrelevant            handling katana.
      comment that shows how
      unconcerned she is with           The joke here then is it's
      the physical attack.              irrelevant, and yet it is obviously
                                        in character: absurdity and
                                        recognition of the familiar.

      I like these lines quite a bit and have no
      interest in cutting them just to maintain         Perhaps: since I'm
      a purity of viewpoint.  Hacking in a fix          okay with narrative
      like having the villain take cover in a           viewpoint changes
      hiding place where she can overhear seems         between sections,
      like an awkward, contrived addition.  It          it could be that
      would be complying with doctrine without          when you're near the
      improving the story.                              section break it's
                                                        okay to begin the
Somewhat worse, though: The idea that there's
one viewpoint is supposed to make the                     I could codify this
narrative more honest, to tell the story from             as a standard
a possible viewpoint, not some manufactured               "exception" built-in
"omniscient" view.  In point of fact though,              to my doctrine.
there is another viewpoint: there's the
person reading the text, and this concealed,              Then the thing to do
ghostly viewpoint haunts every choice about               would be to play test
what the characters say and do.                           the new rule.

When the heroine steps outside, there
are a few lines of dialog that may not
even make much sense to the pov, but
they tell the reader why the the
heroine stepped outside, and it
immediately explains why one of the
men is on hand.                              Also: typically, at the outset of
                                             a story you have to do
Or consider that while the attacker is       something to supply the reader
waiting, she looks down at the knife         with the initial situation.
one last time, and thinks about why          Here, I was happy to imitate play
she's carrying it.  This isn't               script format and just state a
particularly unnatural, but the              few details...
real reason she does this is to
let the reader know she's carrying it.                  TELL_ME_TRUE

To comply with my doctrine, I could
begin the story with more stage-setting
verbiage, but the longer that is, the
harder it might be to get into reading
the story.

I might start the story sooner, and
have us watch the knife being bought--
but once again, this seems like
additional verbiage that doesn't
really improve the story.

  So, my decades long and deeply
  held manifesto about the
  dishonesty of author omniscient      It's a rare manifesto
  and the desirability of a            that survives contact
  limited POV may itself be a bit      with the battlefield...
  of a cheat. It definitely has
  some cracks in it.                           But the fact that I turned up
                                               these problems with such a small
     To defend my doctrine                     writing task is pretty
     though: the rules I set                   remarkable.  It's long past time
     out trying to follow I did                to apply some of my theories.
     succeed in following
     approximately, and I think
     they did steer me away
     from some bad ideas.            MANIFESTO
