January 31, 2018
November 29, 2018
Exploring the space of decisions.
Making choices in the consumption
of art.
In the manga the Genshiken,
the college age otaku descend
on a large doujinshi store in
Akihabara, and discuss
different *strategies*.
Will you get a large number of One character's strategy is to
inexpensive titles, of a few of completely ignore how much money
the more elaborate ones? he's spending, trusting that the
money will come from somewhere
Will you look for parodies of e.g. his food budget.
your favorite titles, will you
follow particular "circles" A hardcore otaku approach which is
of creators? regarded with some respect, if not
At the moment, I find myself OTAKU_REBELS
thinking about experiments in
strategy in choosing Korean
And there's always a decision that
preceeded the decision at hand.
Frequently I just follow the
names of actors or actresses. Art->Fiction->Video->Korean-> ...
"What has Park Shin Hye Then there's tracing a path of
been doing lately?" interests:
Live Drama->
An obvious alternative Japanese->
though is to trace the Korean->
names of writers--
At least, this is obvious to someone
like myself, raised on Harlan Ellison's
rants about the importance of the
writers (such as himself, on the Ellison often complained
occasions when he could get himself to about the idea that the
write and not just posture about it). director is critical, but
if the director is
choosing the scripts...
So, that's another strategy: These things get
Try following the names of complicated fast-- in any
writers or directors. modern movie or television
show, the production of the
I *have* tried art is handled by an army.
this several But then, my experience
times, but it in with American and It's very much a
the world of British television has collaborative form-- an
Korean drama it been that checking the actor may seem brilliant,
rarely seems to writers often helps make but that could be
work... sense of variations in (partly) the result of
quality: in the good the writer providing
SHUT_UP_FLOWER episodes of a series, brilliant lines or it
the same names recur. could be the result of a
director providing
guidance, demanding
(July 2024) retakes when needed.
But there is KES,
the Hong Sisters,
Still another strategy:
Searches of keywords in One of the odder lines
titles (let's see, how I followed was looking
about ones with "ghost" at series with the name
in the name?). "Kim" in the title:
"What's the matter with
Secretary Kim",
Still a third is "word of mouth",
recommendations of friends-- a "Chief Kim"
friend of Dangerbaby in Bali
was interested to hear we'd
been watching Korean drama, and Another of Dangerbaby's
she recommended a very popular friends from the Kimono
one from 2016: de Jack group recommended
"Lover From Another Star".
A approach, looking through people's
favorites in the reddit group "kdrama". A combination of
/r/kdrama buzz and the
writer/director strategy
The "krama" group tends to focus on recent had me tracing a line
releases, which can be a strategy of it's from "Goblin" back to
own... sometimes these days I skim through "Descendents of the Sun"
the lists of current releases, sometimes and forward to "Mister
watching them in something like real time, Sunshine".
waiting a week for the next episode.
Those are from a
"Gangnam Beauty" writer-director team
with some serious
"Beauty Inside" budget clout.. they
now regularly do
But then, "Beauty Inside" series with the
was also tracing the name production quality of
of an actor Lee Min-Ki who major movie releases.
played a similar part in
"Because This Is My First The writer:
Life". Kim Eun-Sook
aka KES, and
You could call this hybrid approach the director:
still another strategy-- look for Lee Eung-Bok
over-determined connections, names
that keep coming up when you look
in different ways.