November 3, 2009
Get things out of the way?
Sometimes you need to
Clear the decks, to make "sleep on it" and
way for "the sleep of the just". "make a fresh start in
the morning".
How many cliches,
pat sayings,
quotations can you
come up with that
rephrases this
kind of wisdom?
"Well begun is half done."
What are you looking
for when you choose
to write about it
HOMILETICS again, what
The converse of "homelitics": what freshness, do
wisdom that's not half-formed, you hope to achieve?
but over-formed.
Maybe it's just a matter
of choosing the right
Definitely related to
that problem with There are so many,
"self-help" material: and so many
ideas that aren't contradictory ones,
necessarily wrong there needs to be
but are indigestible some filtering
because they're process, and this
over-digested -- business of
presented (marketed?) re-discovering and
to you in a way that's re-writing them is
hard to take. one way, possibly
the only way.