July 11, 2010
August 26, 2013
So: what's wrong with being "mainstream"?
What's the failure of the over-culture GOING_UNDER
that drives a lot of us away?
It could, of course, just
be snobbery or reverse
snobbery: the need to feel The alternate take:
superior, or at least
individual, differentiated Some of us are smart enough
from the common mass. to recognize the perversity
of tracking standardized
desires out of a need to feel
normal, a need to belong to
the common mass.
From the beginning of
"The Beat Generation"
(presuming it has a traceable
beginning), there was the
assumption that the spiritual
was important to it.
One of my co-horts working on
the "beat" wikipedia pages felt
that "anti-materialism" was a
key element. It's a point.
But consider that it's a basic
maneuver of hipsters to track THRIFT_SCORE
out-of-date fads of yesteryear.
Myself, I study closely things
like stories from the Shadow
pulp magazines, but typically
turn my nose up at their modern (I see few new "action" movies,
equivalents. not even ones I have some
interest in, e.g. "Iron-Man".)
But I saw it on DVD a
few months after I wrote
that. It was watchable.
Robert Downey Jr. seems
like he would be more at
home in a baseball cap
than a tuxedo.
Haven't seen the sequels.