May 9, 2008
"My classmate in Paris, the novelist-to-be
Jean-Olivier Tedesco, pronounced,
as he prevented me from running to catch
a subway, 'I don't run for trains.' "
-- p.297
Here I have a major
difference with Taleb:
I actually like NIETZSCHE
running for trains.
I too, had a classmate-- a dead-head, and
corporate takeover-manager-to-be-- who had
vowed never to run for a bus; and similarly
I had a professor of existentialism who
chided me for running for a train; and I
thought they were both acting like affected (And from me,
idiots. that's saying
But I like the metaphoric
use Taleb makes of this: But then, he also says:
"Snub your destiny. I have "Many people do not realize
taught myself to resist that they are getting a
running to keep on schedule. lucky break in life when
This may seem a very small they get it. If a big
piece of advice, but it publisher (or a big art
registered. In refusing to dealer or a movie executive
run to catch trains, I have or a hotshot banker or a
felt the true value of big thinker) suggests an
_elegance_ and aesthetics appointment, cancel
behavior, a sense of being anything you have planned:
in control of my time, my you may never see such a
schedule, and my life." window open up again. I am
sometimes shocked at how
(But not his waistline.) little people realize that
these opportunities do not
grow on trees." -- p. 209
For me, this would be
my refusal to carry a But sucking up to the
cell phone, and my rich and famous has it's
decision to shun car limits.
In the world of music,
And perhaps my the word is out that
determination to avoid you really need to
proprietary software. watch your ass when a
major label comes
calling: one of the
things that they're
expert with is screwing
over young musicians
without much business
experience who are easy
to get excited about
making it big at last.