November 13, 2013


This last Thursday night, on KPFA, some
guy I will refer to as "P.E." was           This takes me back to the old
substituting for Barb Goldman, and this     days of WBAI in the early 70s.
being the 50th anniversary of the           And recently, Amy Goodman put
assasination of JFK he took the             Oliver Stone through his paces...
opportunity to display his encylopedic
knowledge of the subject.

He tells a coherent tale-- which is
more than you can say for many in        There's supposedly a cache of
this business-- without claiming that    documents ready to go unclassified in
there's "proof" that it's true, or       2017 or so...  it could turn out it
that any real proof is even possible.    was inexpertly sanitized, and there's
                                         something about to come to light.
He does take it as proven that
the Warren Commission tale of
Oswald the lone assassin up on     The Warren Commision report is frequently
the book repository was false.     called the "magic bullet theory": a
                                   single shot from a funny angle did a
He takes it as a                   wildly implausible amount of damage.
given that the hit
was done by a                                    P.E. is of the opinion that
confluence of            That "Cuban"            the medical photos released
CIA/mafia/ex-Cuban       business sounded        were complete fakes-- and
forces, intending to     pretty funny to me      points out that many of the
make it look like        when I was a kid--      medical staff later disowned
Castro had done it,      you need to remember    them, claiming they showed
so that the US would     that the Cuban          equipment they didn't even use.
respond with an          revolution had only
invasion of Cuba.        just gone down, and         P.E.'s reconstruction is
                         there was a                 multiple bullets striking
The way Oswald was       displaced force of          nearly simultaneously,
arrested and then        anti-Castro Cubans          the first of them clearly
killed before trial      who had run to the          coming from in front.
is then a screw-up       US.  The theory goes
he was supposed to       that these guys also
be gunned down in        had heavy mob
some circumstance        connections-- Cuba      P.E. makes the point that he's
that made him seem       had a rep as a mafia    just talking about "a bunch of
like a pro-Castro        playground up 'till     guys".  The claim is not "The
conspirator. (And        then, something like    CIA did it!" but maybe that
you might imagine        Las Vegas East.  And    some guys associated with the
this was a planned       these anti-Castro       CIA did it.
screw-up, a reason       guys were also
they can give the        natural allies of
shooters for not         the CIA in the Great
delivering on a war      Game against the        Consider the "Flying to
with Cuba.)              Soviets.                Havana" bit in "Guys and
The picture P.E.         CUBA
paints of the Dealy                                     OUT_OF_THE_DUMPSTER
Plaza scene is a
cluster of pro           But there's also a theory--
assassins, waiting       popular with the Right-- that
for the car to reach     the shooters were *pro-Castro*.    I've also heard
a pre-arranged "kill     A Thom Hartmann (author            some half-hearted
box", operating in       "Legacy of Secrecy") argues        attempts from the
pairs, a shooter and     that this idea is what the         Right to pin it
a "brass catcher".       Warren Commission felt they        directly on the
                         had to hide (irrespective of       Soviets, but I
Then-- continuing the    whether it was trues).  It         think they're just
P.E. tale-- when the     might really provoke a Cuban       going through the
local cops show up       invasion, which could lead to      motions.
running around trying    a nuclear exchange with
to figure out what       Russia.                            You point right,
happened, they tend to                                      we point left.
find guys with
impressive looking
credentials (e.g. up
on the infamous
"grassy knoll")
telling them            P.E. stresses out a lot about some
everything is under     issues I don't understand, e.g. there
control, and their      were some guys in the Book Repo, and
assistance isn't        they went somewhere from there, but
needed.                 no one seems to have seen them leave.
                        Is that really such a problem?
There's a pattern
after that of people
being told to shut up
for national security                                 TOO_MANY_ACTORS
reasons if they want
to say something that     But with something this big, wouldn't
goes off script.          someone have talked?  They have, and
                          they do, but no one really pays
                          attention to them.  You need to want
                          to hear a leak before a leak can do
                          any damage.  Otherwise, the usual
                          reasons to shrug off the story come
                          out; they're crazy, they're stupid,
                          they're fame whores, and so on... and
                          of course, any of those might be

                                     A point to remember with P.E.:
                                     he also has a certain fascination
                                     with some of the crazier ideas
                                     around-- could there have been more
                                     than one Oswald, the real guy and
                                     a look-a-like who was seen being
                                     taken out the back way?  Somewhere
                                     or other he's heard about a "Harvey
                                     Lee Oswald", perhaps a relative of
                                     the other one, who looked just like
