June 5, 2010
September 30, 2020
Re-reading a bunch of the Elliot Paul
mystery novels (really, alcohol comedies)
about Homer Evans, I was thinking that ALCOHOL_COMEDY
Elliot Paul is a good counter-example to
my usual claim that stories are best off LIFE_OF_HOMER
with a single viewpoint, or perhaps a
tightly controlled small number of
I was working on a theory, e.g. with
"Hugger Mugger in the Louvre" that
since the good guys all function as a It could be that in any
team that held nothing back from each sort of plot formula,
other, they essentially functioned as it's possible to swap in
a single POV split up into many groups of human beings in
bodies, and hence the story remains place of individuals.
engaging despite breaking one of my
favorite "rules". INTERSTELLAR_OP
POV (Boys meet girls,
boys lose girls,
But then there's the later book in the series, boys get girls.)
"Fracas in the Foothills", where the author
appears to be determined to do a "kitchen sink"
story with every character ever used throughout
the series, and more besides. The prefunctory
touching-base with each one in turn gets rather
dull, only barely readable.
An odd application of "Kauffman's Law":
a network with too many highly connected CONTROL
nodes gets overwhelmed at the amount of
information exchange.